Page 6 of today's Business Day section of the New York Times includes a detailed and positive article about R. It talks about the many industries in which R is used, and includes interviews with (and photos of!) both founders of R, Ross Ihaka and Rob Gentleman, and the father of S, John Chambers.
Incidentally, the REvolution Computing marketing team initially proposed this article to the NYT reporter, and the article mentions several REvolution Computing clients, but in the end the focus of the article was on the origins and use of R as opposed to its commercialized applications. Nonetheless, it's a great article and great exposure for R generally.
Full article: Data Analysts Captivated by R's Power
(Update 9:14PST -- corrected location of article in print edition.)
(Update 11:42PST -- corrected linked article title. Looks like the NYT changed it from "R, the software, finds fans in data analysts".)
Interesting. I was wondering what motivated them to do that article.
Posted by: Andrew | January 07, 2009 at 10:32
There's been a fair bit of discussion about this article around the web:
On r-help
On slashdot
On Crooked Timber
Posted by: David Smith | January 08, 2009 at 09:49
Also at Decision Science News Decision Science News
Posted by: Dan Goldstein | January 23, 2009 at 05:52