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April 17, 2009


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"I love that word - analytics... analyticssss... it's so... technical..."

It's funny, I keep hearing this, but I wonder if there is a good aggregator for R jobs. There is a mailing list, but it gets maybe 1-2 emails per month. Are there good job search engines that incorporate positions that would require or desire R?

If you want more R emails, join some of the other R mailing lists, there are many (see http://www.r-project.org/mail.html). For example, the Bioconductor mailing list is extremely active and not listed, but to learn more about how R is used in the life sciences go to Bioconductor.org.

He was talking about R job aggregators, not general R mailing lists. I'm interested in this too, as this is one of the main things I am looking for in a job - I will be miserable if I get a job where I have to use SAS!!

Sounds like there's a lot of interest in a listing of jobs that require R skills. This is something we'll think about for a feature on the blog. Thanks!

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