REvolution Computing has just released three new packages for R to CRAN (under the open-source Apache 2.0 license): foreach, iterators, and doMC. Together, they provide a simple, scalable parallel computing framework for R that lets you take advantage of your multicore or multiprocessor workstation to program loops that run faster than traditional loops in R.
The three packages build on each other to implement a new loop construct for R -- foreach -- where iterations may run in parallel on separate cores or processors.
iterators implements the iterator object familiar to users of languages like Java, C# and Python to make it easy to program useful sequences - from all the prime numbers to the columns of a matrix or the rows of an external database. Iterators objects are used as the index variable for the parallel loops.
foreach builds on the "iterators" package to introduce a new way of programming loops in R. Unlike the traditional for loop, a foreach loop can run multiple iterations simultaneously, in parallel. If you only have a single-processor machine, foreach runs iterations sequentially. But with a multiprocessor workstation and a connection to a parallel programming backend, multiple iterations of the loop will run in parallel. This means that without any changes to your code, the loop will run faster (and with a speedup scaled by the number of available cores or processors, potentially much faster).
doMC provides such a link between "foreach" and a parallel programming backend -- in this case, the multicore package (from Simon Urbanek). With this connection, foreach loops on MacOS and Unix/Linux systems will make use of all the available cores/processors on the local workstation to run iterations in parallel.
The "iterators" and "foreach" packages were previously available only in REvolution R Enterprise as part of the ParallelR suite: now, we've made versions available on CRAN for all R users.
In REvolution R Enterprise, "iterators" and "foreach" connect with our NetworkSpaces parallel backend (which comes pre-installed and pre-configured in our distribution). Not only does this additionally enable parallel programming on Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit systems, it also allows iterations of foreach loops to run on separate machines on a cluster, or in a cloud environment like Amazon EC2. The cluster can even be a mixed collection of Windows, MacOS and/or Unix/Linux machines. REvolution R Enterprise with NetworkSpaces also provides some other benefits, including fault tolerance (so a parallel computation will complete correctly even if some nodes in the cluster fail), and high-performance mathematics libraries to make the computations run even faster.
You can see an example of foreach in action in this financial backtesting example. That example will run as written in REvolution R Enterprise, and in the latest version of R by installing the "multicore" package and replacing the call to registerDoNWS() with registerDoMC(). You'll need the relevant packages installed, which you can do easily in R as follows:
I'll be posting more examples using the "foreach" and "iterators" packages in the coming weeks. I'll also be talking about them at UseR! later this month. You can also read more in today's press release. In the meantime, feedback and comments are always welcome to [email protected].
Iterators! Wow! I was working on an iterators package back in 2002. Nobody seemed interested at the time, and I was stuck between using S3, S4 or R.oo methods for it. Other things got in the way and I shelved it.
I started it because I didn't want to create a vector of 1:10000000 just as a loop control variable in an MCMC run. I wrote a simple iterator and then tried to sub-class it to make an MCMC loop index iterator class. This one had things like burn-in and thinning built in, so you could query the iterator to see if you were past the burn-in period or whether this iteration was thinned.
I also added some timing methods to my iterators so you could query when they expected to finish - it was just a simple linear time algorithm based on how many iterations had gone in how long, and how many more iterations were needed. You did "cat(predictEnd(iter))" and it showed you its best guess.
So, some ideas for your next version!
Posted by: Barry Rowlingson | July 01, 2009 at 10:40
Or even more easily: install.packages(c("foreach", "doMC"))
Posted by: Hadley | July 01, 2009 at 12:40
These are great ... I saw Steve give a talk about the foreach library a while ago at the NY R meetup group and was totally waiting for these packages to land.
Thanks for all the good work and sharing it with the community!
Posted by: Steve Lianoglou | July 01, 2009 at 13:38
I am not able to install doMC:
> install.packages("doMC")
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
package ‘doMC’ is not available
Posted by: Roger J. Bos | September 15, 2009 at 12:11
Hmm, it works OK for me. Perhaps the mirror you're using isn't up-to-date? Another mirror might work ( works for me).
Posted by: David Smith | September 15, 2009 at 12:39
Just stumbled on this, seems like a big upgrade over previous solutions for R parallel.
Don't forget after installing: library(foreach);library(doMC);
Posted by: NS | May 12, 2010 at 12:45
I've written a simulation that re-runs a huge block (about fifteen pages) of code 128 times. Each iteration takes about eight minutes, but I'm currently only using one processor (and a simple for loop for everything). What's the easiest way to convert a giant for loop over to foreach and take advantage of my multiple processors?
Posted by: Anthony Damico | September 06, 2010 at 11:48
That should be a pretty simple conversion. The trick is to encapsulate each simulation into a function (say, do_simulate) that returns the simulation. Then the code would be something like:
Nsims <- 128
sims <- foreach(i = 1:128) %*%dopar%*% do_simulate()
and then sims[[77]] is the 77'th simulation, for example.
If you're using Revolution R and are on windows, then preceding the above with:
workers <- startWorkers(2)
then two simulations will run at a time in parallel. Tune this code according to the number of processes available.
Posted by: David Smith | September 07, 2010 at 10:08
Hi David, thanks for responding so quickly. I'm unfortunately not getting this code to work. I'm just using the standard R 2.11.1 x64 Windows build, not the Revolution R software.
When I try to install the doSMP or doMC packages, I a 'cannot find package' error, even when I use the cran.revolution repo.
Then, assuming I don't need either of those packages and only need the foreach package, I'm trying this code out:
for(i in 1:Nsims) {
x <- runif(10^8 , 0 , 1)
z[i] <- mean(x)
print(Sys.time() - b)
foreach(i=1:Nsims) %dopar% {
x <- runif(10^8 , 0 , 1)
z[i] <- mean(x)
print(Sys.time() - b)
on both a dual core and quad core machine. It's unfortunately not any faster using the foreach operator.
I noticed it gives an error when I use %*%dopar%*% so I changed it to %dopar%..
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? This would be a tremendous time savings for me if I could get it working..
Posted by: Anthony Damico | September 10, 2010 at 14:51
Hi Anthony,
You do need a parallel backend to make foreach run faster. It's not surprising that your "for" and "foreach" examples run in the same time, because foreach doesn't run in parallel until you install a parallel backend. doSMP works on Windows, but is only available in Revolution R. doMC works on Mac and Linux, but not Windows.
Hope this helps!
Posted by: David Smith | September 10, 2010 at 15:00
Hi again,
Is there any other way to run a program in parallel on a Windows 64 bit build? I work for a non-profit but not academia, so I can't use the Revolution Enterprise version right now..
Thanks :)
Posted by: Anthony Damico | September 10, 2010 at 19:00
you may try to insert 2 lines of statements in the beginning of the program as follows:
Posted by: Edward Cheng | October 25, 2010 at 01:07
I'm really impressed with the Foreach package which I use with doSNOW. Works like a charm.
I was wondering if the good people @ REvolution are planning to do similar sort of stuff to take advantage of parallel processing power on GPUs.
Currently, I'm working the pants off my dual core CPU running 100% for the past 4 hours (expected to last another 16 hours) using Foreach & doSNOW; doing some exponential smoothing on 100,000 time series. Each takes about 1-1.5 secs.
Posted by: Sashi | August 04, 2011 at 08:06
Glad it's working out well for you, Sashi! We've got some other HPC stuff in the works, but GPU processing isn't in the near future. One suggestion: you might want to dry doMC (or doSMP on Windows) over doSNOW -- it's a bit more efficient when you're just working on a single machine. And another hint: try doing 10 or 100 of those smooths in each foreach loop (with a regular for loop) to reduce overhead.
Posted by: David Smith | August 04, 2011 at 13:45
The foreach-package is exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot. I'm running plain old R (not Revolution R) on a Mac and have a little trouble when trying to work with both the foreach- and the mecdf-package. As far as I understand it there's some conflict between the iterators-package (which is loaded with foreach) and the s3x-package (which is loaded with mecdf).
Here's a little example:
#this works just fine
foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% {sqrt(i)}
#now this doesn't work
foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% {sqrt(i)}
#without the s3x-package everything is OK again
foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% {sqrt(i)}
#strange enough, this works
foreach(i=1:4, .packages="s3x") %dopar% {sqrt(i)}
#but not the second time
foreach(i=1:4, .packages="s3x") %dopar% {sqrt(i)}
#this works (but only once)
foreach(i=1:4, .packages=c("s3x","ofp","mecdf")) %dopar% {
thisdat <- matrix(rnorm(100000),ncol=10)
fn <- mecdf(thisdat, expand=NA)
#More problems when first loading
#and then
#this produces an error
thisdat <- matrix(rnorm(100000),ncol=10)
fn <- mecdf(thisdat)
#so does this
foreach(i=1:4, .packages=c("s3x","ofp","mecdf")) %dopar% {
thisdat <- matrix(rnorm(100000),ncol=10)
fn <- mecdf(thisdat, expand=NA)
Sorry, my example got a bit lengthy. I'm aware that most of the above is not what you would use foreach for, but tried to stick to the simple kind of hello-world-example from the (very useful) vignette-pdf.
At least, as long as you run your foreach loop with the .packages="mecdf" option just once, everything seems to work.
Posted by: Michael | August 25, 2011 at 05:50
Michael, not sure what's going on there -- I can only guess that the s3x package is overloading something which causes foreach to fail as you describe. I'll pass this on to the package maintainers to take a look as well, but for now it seems like the .packages="medcf" option is a good workaround.
Posted by: David Smith | August 25, 2011 at 11:54
I also wrote my problem to the maintainer of the mecdf-packages and with the latest update, she fixed it. Now the syntax is slightly different, but the combination with foreach (and my previous example) works just fine.
Posted by: Michael | September 15, 2011 at 04:33
Would you mind posting an example that actually works?
Posted by: Roger Pickering | October 18, 2011 at 09:02
I keep getting a "Error in { : task 1 failed - "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
Any ideas?
Posted by: Roger Pickering | October 18, 2011 at 09:09