I just placed my order for a couple of books I've been meaning to read, and with a couple of weekend trips away coming up I might actually get the time to review them.
The first is Hadley Wickham's ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis. I've been meaning to get more into ggplot2 graphics for some time, and the printed version of this book (plus Hadley's upcoming talk at the Bay Area R User Group meeting) is just the impetus I need.
The second is Beautiful Data, a book I've heard a lot about but haven't yet seen. But with chapters from Nathan Yau (responsible for the wonderful Flowing Data), Andrew Gelman (whose statistical modeling blog is a daily read), and the aforementioned Hadley Wickham, plus lots of R examples, I'm really looking forward to it.
Now, if I could just pack my comfy reading chair...