Mike Driscoll lays out his misadventures using XML for managing large amounts of data: it's too verbose and slows down translation operations, and despite the goals of the XML standard, tags are opaque and cumbersome for humans to deal with. He concludes that there must be a better way: the simple, delimited text files we've been using since the fifties. He offers an analogy with LaTeX and MathML:
Spoken languages are strengthened by usage, not by imperial fiat, and data formats are no different. Far better to evolve and adapt the standards we already have (as JSON and SQLite’s file format do), than to fabricate new ones from whole cloth.
One lightweight, but powerful, alternative to XML to structured data is: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ although as of yet, I know of no integration with R
Posted by: SteveT | August 29, 2009 at 02:28