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February 25, 2010


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I've been addicted to Sudoku for a long time. There are several sites that let you play for free using a Javascript solution. I can't solve the online ones if they are too complicated because you don't have a place to write down temporary placement to try certain strategies, which is why I like to work with book versions of sudoku.

I printed the puzzle you have and look forward to trying it out without using s Sudoku solver.

Using brute-force with backtracking (implemented with recursion), a solution was found in 30ms on an Intel dual-core 2.2GHz (E4500) computer.

8 9 4 | 6 7 1 | 2 5 3
6 7 5 | 3 4 2 | 8 9 1
3 1 2 | 9 5 8 | 7 6 4
1 4 7 | 2 3 5 | 9 8 6
9 6 3 | 7 8 4 | 5 1 2
5 2 8 | 1 6 9 | 3 4 7
2 3 1 | 8 9 6 | 4 7 5
4 8 6 | 5 2 7 | 1 3 9
7 5 9 | 4 1 3 | 6 2 8

http://this1that1whatever.com/miscellany/sudoku/ offers Sudoku puzzles to solve.

Great post! To get unlimited free sudoku to play and print as well as a sudoku widget which can be embedded into every website visit http://print-sudoku.com - it free!

it's nice

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