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July 12, 2010


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I wonder if there is data available for the "area of play" shown as a heatmap at nyt.

I think the first chart is a bit misleading because it doesn't adjust the number of fouls for the number of games played. Netherlands with over 90 fouls in the tournament seems extreme but in terms of fouls per game (vertical axis of the second chart) they are not.

Useless chart. 16 of the 32 teams played only 3 games, 4 teams (Spain, Netherlands, Uruguay and Germany) played 7 games, the other teams had numbers in between. So the absolute number of fouls is completely meaningless. Applying statistical algorithms w/o theoretical foundation is always a bad idea.

Agree with both comments above -- but that's the beauty of having the data available, you can always visualize it another way. The teams data set does have the fouls per game metric, which is comparable between teams playing different numbers of games.

Enough with the visualization craze! There are a bunch of graphical designers/pseudo artists, that think that because the use Processing or can program some R they are producing better ways to interpret data. They don't have a grasp at all of statistics and the are confusing people with pseudo scientific crap.

First Chart is total crap. Even basic understanding of statistics are lacking.

2010 hiljemaltmbt zapatosmüüakse poes. See on väga populaarne Euroopas kingad. Tema unikaalne stiil ja tulemuseks on fitness, see äratas paljude inimeste tähelepanu.Kas olete valmis aeglane inimeste Mis pihta? Meede, tere tulemast meiembt zapatosloendurid. Kogu südamest teile.

Tema unikaalne stiil ja tulemuseks on fitness, see äratas paljude inimeste tähelepanu.There are a bunch of graphical designers/pseudo artists, that think that because the use Processing or can program some R they are producing better ways to interpret data.

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