Revolution Analytics is a proud sponsor of this year's annual R user conference, useR! 2010, and many members of the Revolution team will be there at Gaithersburg next week. We'll be hosting a booth at the conference where you can come up and meet the team, and see some of the new features being developed for Revolution R in action. Several members of the development and leadership teams are also giving presentations at the conference:
- Revolution's CEO Norman Nie will be a panelist (along with representatives from Procter & Gamble, Merck,, TIBCO and Mango Solutions) for the discussion on the challenges of bringing R into commercial environments (Noon Wednesday)
- Lead UI designer Sheri Gilley will talk about the process of designing a GUI for R, and show designs for the forthcoming Revolution R GUI (4:55PM Wednesday)
- David Smith (that's me!) will be giving a talk about Revolution R and the challenges of evolving R for use in commercial environments. (1:30PM Thursday)
- I'll also be a panelist (with organizers of several user groups) for the discussion on starting & building a local R User Group (3:25PM Thursday)
- Jeroen Ooms, author of several Web-based applications around R, will give a presentation on Web Development with R, including the new web-server integration with R he's been helping us design for Revolution R (5:00PM Thursday)
Revolution Analytics will also be hosting a party to celebrate the official launch of (a community site for R sponsored by Revolution Analytics) with many new features. The party will be held on Wednesday night starting at 8PM at the Crowne Plaza in Rockville. Buses will be provided after the useR! poster session at NIST. All R users are welcome (you don't need to be registered for the useR! conference), and admission is free. We'll even be giving away an Xbox 360 and a Zune (with thanks to Microsoft).
I'm really looking forward to seeing old R friends again and meeting new ones next week. Come and say hi!
Revolution Analytics: useR! 2010
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