In 2 weeks, on Wednesday September 22, I'll be hosting a webinar in conjunction with Andrew Lampitt at Jaspersoft. This new webinar is all about how to Deploy R: in other words, how to use the new server-based capabilities of Revolution R Enterprise 4 for Linux to embed the results of R scripts into applications and web pages. One very cool example of this is getting the output of R based models into Jaspersoft BI dashboards -- Matt Dahlman will demonstrate.
Full details about the webinar are after the jump, and you can register at the link below.
Revolution Analytics Webinars: Deploying R: Advanced Analytics On Demand in Applications, in Dashboards, and on the Web
R is a popular and powerful system for creating custom data analysis, statistical models, and data visualizations. But how can you make the results of these R-based computations easily accessible to others? A PhD statistician could use R directly to run the forecasting model on the latest sales data, and email a report on request, but then the process is just going to have to be repeated again next month, even if the model hasn't changed. Wouldn't it be better to empower the Sales manager to run the model on demand from within the BI application she already uses—daily, even!—and free up the statistician to build newer, better models for others?
In this webinar, David Smith (VP of Marketing, Revolution Analytics) will introduce the new "RevoDeployR" Web Services framework for Revolution R Enterprise, which is designed to make it easy to integrate dynamic R-based computations into applications for business users. RevoDeployR empowers data analysts working in R to publish R scripts to a server-based installation of Revolution R Enterprise. Application developers can then use the RevoDeployR Web Services API to securely and scalably integrate the results of these scripts into any application, without needing to learn the R language. With RevoDeployR, authorized users of hosted or cloud-based interactive Web applications, desktop applications such as Microsoft Excel, and BI applications like Jaspersoft can all benefit from on-demand analytics and visualizations developed by expert R users.
To demonstrate the power of deploying R-based computations to business users, Andrew Lampitt will introduce Jaspersoft commercial open source business intelligence, the world's most widely used BI software. In a live demonstration, Matt Dahlman will show how to supercharge the BI process by combining Jaspersoft and Revolution R Enterprise, giving business users on-demand access to advanced forecasts and visualizations developed by expert analysts.