In case you missed them, here are some articles from August of particular interest to R users.
We presented a profile of Hadley Wickham, author of many popular R packages including ggplot2 and reshape.
We riffed the design of the new Twitter website into a discussion on calculating the Golden Mean with R. Several readers contributed 1-liners based on the Fibonacci sequence.
We linked to some elegant code for calculating the Mandelbrot set in R, and a beautiful animation of the results.
We linked to a blog post by JD Long on simulating multivariate random variables using copulas.
We announced a ggplot2 data visualization competition.
We linked to a discussion about the merits of dot charts versus bar charts.
We announced the availability of Revolution R Enterprise 4.0, available free to academics.
We posted updated statistics on the growth in R packages, and asked what other languages can learn from R's package system.
We noted updates to the plyr and reshape packages, featuring improved performance and parallel processing.
We noted that R 2.12 is scheduled for release on October 15.
We announced RevoDeployR, Web Services integration for R included in Revolution R Enterprise. You can also download slides and a replay of the webinar introducing RevoDeployR.
We linked to a feature article about R in Tech Target: "R's time is now".
We reviewed the state of running R on the iPhone and iPad.
We noted that RHIPE creator Saptarshi Guha is presenting at the Hadoop World conference, and linked to an interview with him. (There's also a new profile of Saptarshi.)
We linked to a collection of guidelines for efficient R programming by Martin Morgan.
We relayed the Call for Papers for the R/Finance 2011 conference in Chicago.
We had guest blogger Joseph Rickert's thoughts on the relationship between Map-Reduce/Hadoop and R.
We linked to some hints for the R beginner by Patrick Burns.
We linked to Dirk Eddelbuettel's review of the contributions to R resulting from this year's Google Summer of Code.
There are new R user groups in New Jersey, Brisbane, QLD, and Toronto.
Other non-R-related stories in the past month included a story about mono-monostatic bodies, and (on a lighter note), how statisticians and scientists (fail to) communicate, and funny airline safety videos.
The R Community Calendar has also been updated.
As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at [email protected] Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader like Google Reader, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here.
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