As announced today, The new R 2.12.0 is now available in source form, and you'll soon be able to download R as an installable binary for Windows, Mac and Linux from your local CRAN mirror. In the meantime, if you're not building R yourself you can check out the list of new features in the NEWS file. As usual, there's a raft of new functions and fixes, but the ones that stood out for me were:
- Improved handling of times/dates (particularly when used in charts)
- Easier to create charts from tables (you can use points, lines, and plot with table objects)
- Improvements to K-means clustering
- Improved accuracy when calculating in the extreme tails of some probability distributions
- Improved convergence detection for constrained optimization
- Several improvements related to the interactions of S3 and S4 objects
- An interesting new system for creating reference-based classes (no need to copy data in objects)
- A new utility "adjustcolor" for creating translucent color schemes
More details in the official announcement linked below.
R-announce mailing list: R 2.12.0 is released
If we are using Revolution R, how does one upgrade to 2.12.0?
Posted by: JMS | October 16, 2010 at 16:51
JMS, Revolution R updates to newer versions of the R engine when the final point-release is out. Current versions are based on R 2.11.1.
Posted by: David Smith | October 18, 2010 at 09:37
Is that updating true of community R, as well, or just the Enterprise Edition? I have the community R 3.2, and it claims to be at 2.10.1, not 2.11.1.
Posted by: Bill | November 24, 2010 at 09:58