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March 10, 2011


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XDF is just another proprietary data format?
Why would someone go through all this trouble to move from one proprietary format to another one?

Good question.
Today .sas, tomorrow .xdf.

Thanks for the post! Nice to hear that there is a lot of work going on regarding big data.

A couple of questions please:

1) When we talk of big data what do we mean by "big"?

2) To what data capacity (measurement in Gigabytes or Terabytes or Petabytes) can RevoScaleR handle, in other words, its limit?

3) Listed here are all it capabilities in terms of functionality? What if one is interested in some nonlinear modeling process not mentioned.. can it be possible given that RevoScaleR has handled the importing process.

4) Too much talk these days about Hadoop solution approach to the same problem.. how is RevoScaleR a better choice over Hadoop?

Thanks again for the post.. and thanks for handling my questions.

Thanks for the questions. On why you'd want to store data in XDF, and what's meant by "big data", check out this white paper on big data analysis with RevoScaleR.

Does RevoScaleR contain "big data" functions for multi-level regression? If not, is there any idea if and when this might be available? RAM limitations and slow performance of multi-level regression in R is by far my biggest analysis headache.

Is XDF-based file processing an alternative solution to the RMR approach?

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