The Orange County R User Group was formed to bring local R users together in a friendly, business-oriented environment. This is the fifth R user group in California. Founder Ray DiGiacomo, Jr. says, "I feel this group is necessary because the current Los Angeles and San Diego R User Groups are quite far from Orange County. Also, Orange County is a high-tech hotspot with its own "unique" business culture."
The first meeting of the group will be on April 16. If you're in the Orange County area, sign up with the group at the link below to connect with other R users in your area. Orange County R Users Group
The owners of this group require everyone to submit their resume in order to join.
I can't think of a good reason for this, can you?
Please UCI form an R User group as an alternative!
Posted by: chris | March 24, 2011 at 20:05