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April 19, 2011


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I would like to say that this is one of the most horrible graphs I have seen lately.
I wonder what the next biggest slice next to R refers to, others? I cannot get it from this thing.

Next, I wonder how you can even get this in R. But actually, it looks more like Excel. And this on an R blog,...

I mean, everybody interested in data visualization is arguing against pie charts (e.g., http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~cook/movabletype/archives/2011/01/chartjunk_but_i.html ). I really wonder how anybody could have missed that.

Sorry, if this is to aggressive but I couldn't resist.

Indeed, I agree with Henrik. My first reaction on seeing this posting was "Please tell me that the pie chart wasn't produced using R".

I'm not sure what Anthony used for that graph, I cropped it from a PowerPoint presentation. I'll ask him.

Ok,ok the pie chart sucks. I am not sure which has been beaten up more lately pie charts or word clouds.

However, I think linking tools to Kaggle for the use in contest is a great idea. I have always thought if they included preloaded baseline predictive analytics models to help people get started. If that start package where freely available and scalable all the better.

Every time I have talked to anyone who has competed in these great contest they always run baseline predictive models first. If this was already done for them and everyone else, more modeling time could be spent on implementing unique approaches or the ensemble methods that put the winners models over the top.

For those that want more pie chart fodder:

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