I was sad to have missed last week's OSBC (Open Source Business Conference). Not did I miss the announcement of the Future of Open Source 2011 Survey announced (see the 451 Group for some analysis of the result), I also missed the panel discussion on "Gold in the new Big Data Stack" featuring our own CTO David Champagne.
But judging from the reaction on Twitter, I also missed out big on RedMonk analyst (and R programmer) Stephen O'Grady's talk "Welcome to the Age of Data" on the new forces driving software companies today. Lucky for me, Stephen's made his slides available and has posted a summary of the talk to the RedMonk blog, where he concludes:
Contrary to assertions otherwise, then, the argument is not that software companies are dead. The evidence does not support, and in fact contradicts, such a claim. The evidence does suggest, however, that those startups that wish to get big, in the Apple sense if not the Exxon, should begin leveraging collected data as a complementary revenue stream. Software support and services alone hasn’t produced a Top 20 revenue earner in over two decades, and doesn’t appear poised to anytime soon.
The Age of Software was fun. Welcome to the Age of Data.
Read how Stephen comes to this conclusion in his full post linked below, where you can also find the slides of his talk.
RedMonk (Stephen O'Grady): Welcome to the Age of Data: My OSBC Talk