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July 27, 2011


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Sounds good. I'll try to get there.

What scientific method and what data have you used for guesstimating the "over 2 million users"?

Rumor says the probability for a useR to post a comment on the Revolution blog is less than one in a million, so...

@Martin, it's an estimate based on the size of the market for analytical software, and R's market share and growth in comparison to other software. It includes academic users. It would be a good topic for a blog post one day...

Hi All,

Please excuse me posting on this board out of the blue.

I have an urgent contract / consultancy post for en experienced R Developer / Programmer to work with a global finance business in Amsterdam. The client has chosen R as their statistical software development tool and require a specialist to advise, consult and develop the use of R within the business. The successful R-Consultant will need to be an expert in the use of R and have strong Java development experience, ideally integrating R within Java based environments.

Skills set and experience required (essential)
• Expert R Programming / Development experience,
• Enterprise R Application design
• Producing Technical solutions against project specifications
• Experience of R architecture and deployment
• Knowledge of UNIX and Linux
• Good Java / J2EE development experience (ideally with R integration within a Java based environments)
• Experience of working within large complex systems / Projects with tight deadlines

Please get in touch if you are interested.

Again, please excuse the intrusion.

Kind regards,


Email [email protected]
Tel : 0044 (0) 1179 276 236

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