R user Josh Reich, who we've featured here on the blog before, is also the CEO and co-founder of the new user-friendly bank, Simple. (Confidential to Josh -- still waiting on my invite...). So it's no suprise that Simple's logo is rendered using the R language:
wave <- function (a, R, p, w) { x <- (0.5 + 0.5*R*sin(p+w*a))*cos(a) y <- (0.5 + 0.5*R*sin(p+w*a))*sin(a) return (cbind(x,y)) } blue <- '#3F8492' red <- '#E57660' t <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=100) M<-0.8 plot(c(-1, 1)*M, c(-1, 1)*M, pch='', bty='n') LWD=7 pinc=2*pi/5 amp <- 0.2 lines(wave(t,amp,0,2), lwd=LWD, col=sprintf('%s%2x', blue, 1.0 * 255)) lines(wave(t,amp,pinc*1,2), lwd=LWD, col=sprintf('%s%2x', red, 1.0 * 255)) lines(wave(t,amp,pinc*2,2), lwd=LWD, col=sprintf('%s%2x', blue, 0.8 * 255)) lines(wave(t,amp,pinc*3,2), lwd=LWD, col=sprintf('%s%2x', red, 0.8 * 255)) lines(wave(t,amp,pinc*4,2), lwd=LWD, col=sprintf('%s%2x', blue, 0.6 * 255))
Created by Pretty R at inside-R.org
Josh made the code above available at github. And here's the logo you get (if you add axes=F to the plot command):
That's quite a beautiful and elegant outcome for fewer than 20 lines of code!
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