It turns out there's another local R user group in Cambridge, UK. It's called CambR, and organizing committee member Laurent Gatto described its history to me in an email:
After meeting repeatedly at several R related conferences (Bioconductor meetings, useR 2011), some R enthusiasts thought Cambridge deserved a local R user group and founded CambR in September 2011. Since then, we gathered 70+ members (and growing) that registered on our google group. In early 2012, we organised our first meeting, aiming at getting to know each other and set future plans. 16 people showed up; feedback of the participants was positive and we decided to organise a second, larger meeting in April/May 2012.
CambR is joinging forces with the organizers of the nascent Cambridge RUG to be the "official" local R user group in Cambridge. If you're in the area, be sure to join their Google Group to be informed of upcoming meetings.
CambrR: Cambridge R User Group