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February 24, 2012


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Thanks a lot for this review.

Only a small fix: the graphical methods are based on the lattice package instead of ggplot2 as you wrote.



Thanks for the correction, Oscar! I've updated the post above.

Show us how you would do statistical tables with R code, like an adverse event table, or any other table that involves many summary and advanced statistics, and lots of cross-categories along the top and left margin of the table.
Note, programming a statistical table is very different from programming a graph, since the two things are not the same.



Hi, several links have broken
i.g. Part1 (broken link)(http://procomun.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/maps_with_r_1/)

Part2 (missing link)
Part 3 (Broken link)

Hi Julian, the links seems to be working again now, and I added the missing Part 2 link. Thanks!

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