Many thanks to Hadley Wickham for his informative and entertaining webinar yesterday, "A backstage tour of ggplot2". Thanks also to everyone who submitted questions -- with more than 800 attendees live on the line we had many more questions than we had time to answer. For more ggplot2 information, Hadley kindly provided the following resources in his slides:
- ggplot2 mailing list:
- stackoverflow:
- Lattice to ggplot2 conversion:
- Cookbook for common graphics:
- ggplot2 book:
The replay and slides from Hadley's presentation are now available for download from the Revolution Analytics website, and I've embedded the video recording of the webinar below for your streaming pleasure.
Thanks again, Hadley!
Revolution Analytics webinars: A backstage tour of ggplot2 with Hadley Wickham
Min 46. To export a ggplot2 graphic in Linux do this at the R command line:
png("my cool plot.png")
qplot( x = blee, y = blaa, shape = blarg ) says "I'm done writing to that png file now, so close it off". After that your next qplot() will print on the screen instead of printing to that file.
Posted by: isomorphismes | March 04, 2012 at 20:06