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March 14, 2012


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please try link: http://ihadoop.blogspot.in/ for basic tutorial and step-by-step for hands-on


There are many Big Data problems whose output is also Big Data. In this presentation we will show Splout SQL, which allows serving an arbitrarily big dataset by partitioning it. Splout is to Hadoop + SQL what Voldemort or Elephant DB are to Hadoop + Key/Value. When the output of a Hadoop process is big, there isn`t a satisfying solution for serving it. Splout decouples database creation from database serving and makes it efficient and safe to deploy Hadoop-generated datasets. Splout is not a "fast analytics" engine. Splout is made for demanding web or mobile applications where query performance is critical. On top of that, Splout is scalable, flexible, RESTful & open-source.

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