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May 15, 2012


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R could easily overtake SPSS if there would be a usable GUI similar to SPSS. RStudio goes a long way in making R more usable, and there are a few more programs/packages that provide some functionality, but no single usable program that provides most basic functionality that SPSS provides.

I learned SPSS to get out of school, SAS to earn a living, and R because I love what I do. I'm still working on the social skills...is there a package for that?

I don't think SAS is too worried. The company is expanding into other areas of information management with potentially higher growth rates (ETL, Data Quality, Master Data Management, Data Visualization, High Performance - Hardware Accelerators, etc.)

The big question is what happens to the company when the current owner who is 70 dies/retires/wants to sell. Will the then owners be able to keep the company together and what will their strategic direction take?

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