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July 09, 2012


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I love how you've used the epic power of R to find loads of places to get drunk.

R. Is there anything it can't do?

I don't suppose I could convince you to do this for Woodinville, Prosser, Yakima, and Walla Walla?

@Terry, if you have a data file with the winery addresses I could give it a go.

Does ggmap's geocode function work for addresses outside the USA?

Awesome. Any way to plot while taking into account the winery's average pricing, or average Wine Spectator score? :-)

Would it be possible to use this package in conjunction with Google Vis to allow users to scroll over the wineries and see their names or other information?

Now you just need to add an optimized route, a la Travelling Sales Problem.

Google Vis? No you don't need that. You just need OpenLayers and me to fix my webmaps package. I can work round it, see my dynamic 'World Wine Web' blog entry:


Please be sure to see the Napa Valley Vintners website at www.napavintners.com. I have been using their website and recommending it for over 2 years and it's really pretty neat. You can search for wineries that have (for example) picnicking, are dog friendly, have caves, have a chef on site -- on and on. Once you sort for your selection, the map appears immediately and you can print it out or click on the "dot" for any winery and it will bring up the winery's website/information.

If you're planning a trip, it's indispensable! Go play with it!

@Hywel, I just tested the geocode function on a couple of addresses in the UK and Australia and it seems to work fine.

This is really, really cool. Like some others have mentioned, it would be sweet if we could create some maps like this for other wine regions. I am going to study this a bit more; doesn't seem too difficult to create.

When you say that we need a data file of all the wineries, what format? Like a CSV or Excel file?

Dear Mr. Smith

I will be grateful if you can help me. I want to create a map by the help of ggmap. My problem is that the specific zooms are defined for the function "get_map ()”. It means that I can take a map of the size:

get_map ( … , zoom = 10, …)


get_map ( … , zoom = 9, …)

But I want a map at the between level. I mean a map at the size of 9.5 for instance:

get_map ( … , zoom = 9.5, …)

Is there any solution to take a map in the middle?

Many thanks for your consideration.


I believe the zoom levels are predetermined by the map provider, so you can't get "in-between" zoom levels.

Mr. Smith: In implementing your code, I received the following error message:

SHmap <- qmap(c(lon=map.center$lon, lat=map.center$lat), source="google", zoom=12)
Error in p + o : non-numeric argument to binary operator

Could you offer any suggestions on resolving this error?

Thank you!

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