Two significant R community milestones were achieved over the weekend.
Firstly, the number of community-contributed R packages on CRAN is now above 4000. (As of this writing, it's 4004.) Figure 10 of The Popularity of Data Analysis Software charts the exponential growth of R packages: at the end of last year the figure stood at 3500, and the number has doubled in just 3 years. And this isn't even counting packages at non-CRAN repositories: there are an additional 553 packages available on BioConductor, and there are untold numbers of R packages in development at github, R-forge, and at private repositories.
The second milestone is that this very blog has now had more than 2 million visits since its inception. I started the Revolutions blog back in December 2008, back before there were any other blogs solely or primarily devoted to the R language. (Today, there are 376 R blogs.) The most-visited post of all time, other than the home page, is the one about random numbers in R. Thanks to everyone for visiting Revolutions, and for all the great feedback and suggestions. Keep 'em coming.
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Posted by: Johannes | August 27, 2012 at 10:41
congratulations on 2M visitors. This is a first-rate blog and has been since it began.
Posted by: doug ybarbo | August 29, 2012 at 10:31
Thanks, Doug!
Posted by: David Smith | August 29, 2012 at 10:38