Coursera offers a number of on-line courses, all available for free and taught by experts in their fields. Today, the course Computing for Data Analysis begins. Taught by Johns Hopkins Biostatistics professor (and co-author of the Simply Statistics blog) Roger Peng, the course will teach you how to program in R and use the language for data analysis. Here's a brief introduction to the course:
The course will run for the next 4 week, with a workload of 3-5 hours per week. You can sign up at the link below.
Coursera: Computing for Data Analysis
I've been reading this blog for a few months, and I'm taking a few university courses incorporating R, but I'm going to enroll because I've never been given an introduction. Only ad hoc methods for specific analyses.
I'm taking machine learning on Coursera, and I love it. Maybe some more newcomers will join me.
Posted by: Danny | September 24, 2012 at 15:31
FYI, the computational finance class by Eric Zivot ( ) also teaches R, as a power tool for when Excel can't handle your time series and eigendecompositions. I also have been very impressed by the treatment of basic probability and linear algebra.
And it precedes Jeff Leek's course... :-D
Posted by: Tim | September 24, 2012 at 18:42
Correction -- it precedes (or at least predates) Roger Peng's course. Fortunately most people can "afford" to take both!
Posted by: Tim | September 24, 2012 at 18:43