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November 20, 2012


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Thanks for this information. I add a link in my blog (http://nir-quimiometria.blogspot.com) to this important event to keep my readers informed.

The conference home page doesn't work!

Does anybody know what's going on with the webpage for the R User conference in Albacete, Spain (July 9 - 12)? I cannot seem to access the page. I emailed my registration information but haven't received a reply about it, and now the website seems to be down. Any information?

Hi Katie,

It looks like the conference website is down at the moment. I'll contact the organizers and see if I can find anything out.

Check out twitter for updates at http://twitter.com/useR_2013 they suggest using different URL .... http://t.co/qNxhauCAeD but still havent been able to get to site yet?!

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