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December 17, 2012


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This is great! I have worked with Excel, R, SPSS ... but when it came down to writing custom reports requiring heavyweight data lifting and manipulations, I always ended up relying on SQL. Integrating it with R simply makes it easier for analysis. Is this SQL reliant on ANSI standards?

You're much better off doing the relational manipulation of data in the database engine. Just compare the performance of merge in R with join in any decent relational database. A shoemaker had best stick to his last. We have no need for a half-baked SQL engine.

Forget SQL in R and use the data.table package. This is the most elegant and computationally efficient way to work in R (...and more...) with "tables":


It´s a new and good way to get most of the troubles away. Thank you very much for sharing it.
I took part in a SQL Workshop, where they highlighted all the important points due to SQL and I must admit that I made good experiences with it.
So I would recommend it to those people who wants to take a closer look at it.

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