In a recent talk to the DC R User Group, Anthony Damico presented the following handy flowchart for learning to do survey analysis with R (actually, it's a pretty good flowchart for learning R for any application):
Since they're not clickable above, here are the resource links:
- Learn R by watching two‐minute videos on
- Read the “Getting Started with R” Guide on
- Enrol in the free "Computing for Data Analysis" course at
- Analyze Survey Data with the scripts on
Chart creator Anthony Damico is a Statistical Analyst at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, and also the author of the R SAScii package for importing public data. The first 14 minutes of his presentation, which is a great introduction to survey analysis with R, can be viewed at the link below.
Civil Statistician: DC R Meetup: “Analyze US Government Survey Data with R”
Great flowchart! My favorite tool for creating flowcharts is with Lucidchart. It is a web based tool that is integrated with google drive and allows real time collaboration. I highly recommend giving it a try.
Posted by: bear | February 27, 2013 at 20:02
I think this process to set a mind because when a man to want to participate each them then that has lot of questions & planning tactic to present this sketch easy to attract a clients.I like this trategy & plan very well doing work.
Posted by: | August 05, 2013 at 23:06