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February 11, 2013


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B.D. McCullough of Drexel specializes in the reliability of statistical software. He first challenged Excel's math in 1999, and has published a total of ten articles on the subject in professional journals such as Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. There is a list of publications on his home page at http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~bdm25/

Excel is not the only software with questionable math. When IBM acquired SPSS, they tested it with the NIST datasets; one-way ANOVA, GLM and MEANS all failed. IBM, to its credit, owned up to the issue. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21485458

I used to work at one of the biggest banks a decade ago, in a backoffice team doing risk management. All we used was Excel!

Whether developed with the Excel tool or some other application, Value-at-Risk is not a coherent measure, and not a sound basis for assessing the risk of an investment.

If Excel is indeed an unsound estimation tool, then the "Whale" was victim of a two-fer: an unsound risk measure calculated using an unreliable estimating tool.

Great post,

We're seeing more and more in the news about companies losing big bucks due to poor Excel skills. It's a trend that I see continuing until proper investment is made into simple training courses.

Although JP Morgans Excel docs would have been more complicated that most, there were still a number of techniques that they could have used in order to avoid these glaring mistakes. I've written about them in my most recent post for Microsoft Training dot net.


A great shame. Excel is good for some things, but it does seem appropriate in some cases to teach people in the world of finance more software engineering skills, even if only to get them to write excel macros that do suitable validation....

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