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May 29, 2013


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Hi, David:

This is a little further out, but there is another one from Manning that's on the horizon: Practical Data Science with R, by Nina Zumel and John Mount. It's currently available in the Early Access Program, so the chapters are available as they're written and one can interact with the authors in the forums.

For the second one (Dynamic Documents with R and knitr by Yihui Xie) there's an (earlier?) version at github available under a creative commons license.

Hmm, just realized that the version at GitHub is empty. Sorry for the spam.

And third interesting book is "An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R"


I have a book on R on its way as well. Learning R (due September) is an intro to the language with an emphasis on data analysis workflow. Unlike most intro books, it has lots of examples using packages from CRAN, rather than sticking to base-R.


Anyone know the status of Frank Harrell's revisions to "Regression Modeling Strategies?"

@Mitch Frank is a super busy man, although he is also a superman to some extent. I know he was working on the revisions (using knitr) late last year, but I have no idea about the current status.

@Stelios Sfakianakis You are right that the Github repo is basically empty. I hope to make it a usable template, but I do not think the complete source document of my book will be available. I can talk to the publisher, though.

@Yihui Thanks.

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