In recognition of Pride Month, I wanted to share the video below. The It Gets Better Project has been a wonderful vehicle for demonstrating to LGBT youth all avenues and walks of life are open to them: in business, in the media, in sports, in public service, or even President. I can only imagine how my teenage self, dreaming of being a scientist and shooting for the starts, would have been affected by this touching video from NASA employees:
But the big news for those of us here in the States is that same-sex marriages are finally recognized by the US government, conferring thousands of benefits on those couples living in states where gay marriage is recognized. (My husband and I are lucky enough to live in Washington, which joined the ranks last year.) So things certainly got a lot better this week. And on a lighter note, they're certainly better than they were in prehistoric times (NSFW, but very funny).
I'm heading on vacation for the next week, but Joe will be posting live and I'll have some pre-scheduled posts lined up for a fill week's content on Monday. Have a great weekend, we'll see you then.