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June 07, 2013


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I think the results for the city question are artifact. I would need to see the context of how the question was presented to interpret the results for the city question. I signed up take the survey to see, but was only shown results. The results for the meaning of the word "city" are probably an artifact of the method of the survey.

Asking the question with a map of the country presented, or asking the question as fixed choice, would both frame the question in the context of the nation, causing people to answer "What is the city of the nation?" Rather than what do you typically mean when you say "the city". If you just asked people "What city do you mean when you say "the city," with no context suggesting the rest of the nation, then the results would map to the closest major city for the person asked, not NYC.

I live in Minnesota and its simple for us to call them crayfish but when I look at the map.. it blows my mind. I want to share the map a bit because it is very interesting. This is really cool findings for something like this and I couldn't imagine how a person would get results to make the map unless you sort of just "winged" it. Ahhhh... speak differences of the united states.. I feel bad for people trying to learn english here.

Harumph. Only southeastern Aussies call them "Yabbie" (which really means Cherax destructor). In the west they have gilgies, koonacs and marron; in Queensland, redclaw ...

Just goes to show that dialect variations aren't confined to the US. I had no idea that yabbies were ever called anything else -- thanks for enlightening me!

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