Exegetic Analytics extols the wonders of foreach package for iterative operations that go beyond the standard "for" loop in R. For example, here's a neat (if not optimally efficient) construct using filters to calculate the primes less than 100:
The open-source team at Revolution Analytics created the foreach package with parallelization in mind, and the tutorial goes on to use the doMC and doSNOW packages to speed up the foreach-based loops by running the iterations in parallel on a cluster. You can find the code used to do so, and benchmarks of the results, at the blog post linked below.
Exegetic Analytics: The Wonders of foreach
Posted by: mike | August 31, 2013 at 01:26
@mike, thanks, corrected above
Posted by: David Smith | September 01, 2013 at 15:36
I found doSNOW very useful as a way to send multiple SQL queries with minor changes (date ranges, cohort definitions, etc) to a database simultaneously.
cl <- makeCluster(c("localhost","localhost"), type = "SOCK")
i = list(TYdates,LYdates)
result <- foreach(j = 1:2, .packages="RODBC")%dopar%{
ch=odbcConnect("data warehouse")
sqlQuery(ch, paste('Your SQL here', i[j]))
Instead of writing a script that runs everything in series.
Posted by: Andy | September 12, 2013 at 12:38