The latest update to the open source R project, R 3.0.2, is now available. This incremental update, codenamed "Frisbee Sailing", mainly fixes some minor bugs, improves the organization of the distribution, improves performance in some areas, and adds a few small features (see the NEWS file for a complete list). There's also new documentation on how to use R as a command line tool (see yesterday's blog post for some examples of R as a scripting language), and CRAN packages that use Markdown/HTML (instead of Sweave/PDF) for example vignettes now have documents in their CRAN page (see for example this vignette on support of the BIOM file format in the biom package).
You can download and build R 3.0.2 by downloading the source code from your local CRAN mirror; as of this writing binaries for MacOS and Debian are available from the main CRAN site, and versions for all platforms including Windows will propagate to all mirrors over the next few days. Revolution R Enterprise will support R 3.0 when it is released later this year.
r-announce mailing list: R 3.0.2 is released