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September 12, 2013


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A cross-tab of "industry" and "ethics" might be instructive, since the vast majority are self-identified with the left wing edu-gov cabal, with the job creating private sector barely moving the needle. Did I miss such? Methinks the latter would reveal themselves utterly unconcerned. With the emerging collaboration betwixt the NSA/etc. and "private sector" data vacuums, it's important to know.

The use of made up HTML tags appears to not appear. Too bad. There were a couple of "sarcasm" tags that got ett.

Very interesting. How were the respondents chosen? In particular, were they people who stopped by the Revolution Analytics information booth, or were they more randomly selected?

@Bob, the attendees were polled when the logged on to the Wi-Fi network which was accessible by all attendees present at JSM 2013. All valid responses were included in the results.

Ironic to see a basic data analysis mistake in an article analyzing a survey of statisticians. "62% are very familiar or somewhat familiar with Open Source R and/or Revolution R" - but the chart shows that about 62% are very familiar and about 25% are somewhat familiar, so the correct interpretation is that 87% are very familiar or somewhat familiar with R. The same mistake occurs in the SAS familiarity interpretation.

@Elizabeth, that was my mistake in reporting the results (and yes, it's both ironic and embarassing). I've updated the post above and issued a correction.

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