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December 31, 2013


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Think you have BigData? In this case you need HypeReduce. Sadly your article doesn't mention it. It's a collection of some lesser known OpenSource tools for your 2014 BigData strategy: http://thequickword.wordpress.com/2013/12/31/hypereduce-some-lesser-remembered-tools-for-your-bigdata-strategy/

Nope. The big thing in 2014 will be embracing of in-database analytics with PL/R-ish functionality in all the major databases. SAP/HANA is the prototype. Oracle is a bit behind, but does claim to have something that sounds like PL/R. DB2 is still doing SPSS from its side, alas; although they do have a Netezza (nee, Postgres) implementation for the Z machines.

Nice article, Learn and train on Big data at Jan 24-26 Big Data Bootcamp-Santa Clara Register at http://globalbigdataconference.com/bigdata-bootcamp-sca-january-2014.php use promo code BLOG to get $100 discount expires on Jan 15th 2014

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