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February 03, 2014


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Stack Overflow is used when people have problems and need help, GitHub is used when people have already achieved something with a particular language. Take a look at the original chart and see VimL as the winner language: People publish results with no need to ask questions before. That appears to be the best place on this chart. Wouldn't you want your language to be well below the black line. R happens to be above it. Which probably is not because it is so complicated (Haskell is below the line) but probably because people use VimL because they want to and R partly because they are made to.

Question: Compare Common Lisp and Scheme. Both with roughly the same impact on GitHub but much less activity on StackOverflow. Does this count in favour of scheme or in favour of Common Lisp??

Still scratching my head,

> GitHub is used when people have already achieved something with a particular language.

R used http://cran.r-project.org/ :)

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