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July 17, 2014


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> The article Meta-analysis and its problems by H J Eysenck captures the issues and is well worth reading.

I think you meant to link not file:///C:/Users/Joe.Rickert/Downloads/bmj00458-0043%20(1).pdf but http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2541015/pdf/bmj00458-0043.pdf

It's worth mentioning the Nate Silver, and similar, got to be rich and famous doing a version of meta-analysis. He gets around the problem of differing samples from differing sources by explicitly weighting according to the directives from Sarah Bellum.

Here is a meta-analysis I did using R last year (or rather, using R to attempt to replicate and check a published meta-analysis done by someone else who unfortunately used a spreadsheet...): https://github.com/timchurches/meta-analyses/blob/master/benefits-of-reproducible-research/benefits-of-reproducible-research.md

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