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August 12, 2014


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Interesting post...I'm interested in plotting the dendrogram along with the heatmap.

Apparently it could be done by sligthly modifying your code:

heatmap.2(x=cor(mktRtns), cellnote=round(cor(mktRtns),2), symm=TRUE, dendrogram="row", trace="none", density.info="none", notecol="black")

but according to ?heatmap.2, it's using the default distance matrix dist(x=cor(mktRtns)) which is not correct for correlations - see http://research.stowers-institute.org/mcm/efg/R/Visualization/cor-cluster/index.htm - and should be replaced with:

dissimilarity <- 1 - abs(cor(mktRtns))
distance <- as.dist(dissimilarity)
cluster = hclust(distance)

which should then be plugged into heatmap.2:

heatmap.2(x=cor(mktRtns), Rowv=as.dendrogram(cluster), Colv=as.dendrogram(cluster),revC=T,
cellnote=round(cor(mktRtns),2), symm=TRUE, dendrogram="row", trace="none", density.info="none", notecol="black")

Am I overcomplicating things?

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