by Joseph Rickert
The days are getting shorter here in California and the summer R conferences UseR!2014 and JSM are behind us, but there are still some very fine conferences for R users to look forward to before the year ends.
DataWeek starts in San Francisco on September 15th. I will be conducting a bootcamp for new R users, and on Wedneday the 17th Skylar Lyon and David Smith will talk about R in production during an R Case Studies Session.
The same week, halfway around the world, the EARL (Effective Applications of the R Language) Conference starts in London. Ben Goldacre, author of two best sellers Bad Science and Bad Pharma will be the keynote speaker. The technical program will include sessions from such R luminaries as Hadley Wickham, Patrick Burns, Matt Dowle, Andrie de Vries, Romain Francois, Tal Galili and more.
On October 5th through 9th, Predictive Analytics World - Healthcare will be held in Boston. Max Kuhn will be conducting a hands-on workshop on R for predictive modeling in Business and Healthcare.
One week later, October 15th, Strata and Hadoop World will kick off in New York City. The R Studio team will be start the conference with an R Day. Hadley Wickham, WInston Chang, Garrett Grolemund, JJ Allaire and Yihui Xie will all be giving presentations. On the 16th, Amanda Cox, the force behind the Time's superb R based graphics, will be givining a keynote address. Other R releated sessions include a presentation by Sunil Venkayala and Indrajit Roy on HP's Distributed R platform. Revolution Analytics will, once again, be sponsoring this conference. If you go, please drop by the Revolution Analytics' booth.
That same week, PAZUR'14 the Polish Academic R User's Meeting will be taking place. Workshops will be held on data visualization, the analysis of surveys, the exploration of geospatial data and much more. Revolution Analytics is pleased to be a sponsor here too.
On October 25th, the ACM will once again hold its very popular Data Science Bootcamp at eBay in San Jose. And, once again Revolution Analytics is proud to be a sponsor. I will be attending this event, so please look me up if you want to chat about R.
There is sure to be some R content at the ICSM, International Conference on Statistics and Mathematics and the Workshop on Bayesian Modeling to be held on November 24th through 26th in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Also, sometime in November, rOpenSci will be "bringing together a mix of developers and academics to hack on/create tools in the open data space using and for R". A date hasen't been set yet but we will let you know when things are finalized. Here is the link to the Spring hackathon that took place in San Francsco which was pretty impressive.
If I have missed anything, please let us know!
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