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November 04, 2014


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Hey Peggy,

wow, thanks a lot for your post! I really like the idea looking at survey data with shiny to make complex data more accessible. I've worked on a related thing recently (though not yet shiny) which might interest you:

In a global smartphone study, Dalia Research asked 51 questions to young mobile users in 64 countries including Colombia, Iran and Ukraine.

This is impressive - you have opinions from 32 000 people collected within 4 days from all over the world. About their religion, what they think about the Unites States, the global influence of the EU and where your country should invest more.

In my blog post workspace13.wordpress.com I show how to merge the open data set with World Bank indicators and create a world map using R.

If you come up with a cool visualization, you can win the chance to ask your own 5 question in the next global survey round www.facebook.com/DaliaResearch

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