Thanks to everyone at the Chicago R User Group for giving me such a warm welcome for my presentation last night. In my talk, I gave an introduction to Revolution R Open, with a focus on how the checkpoint package makes sharing R code in a reproducible way easy:
If you'd like to try out the checkpoint package, it's available on CRAN now. You can also install a newer, more efficient version from GitHub as follows:
You can't see my demo in the slides, but I ran this script in RStudio and demonstrated what happens when you adjust the checkpoint date. You can learn more about checkpoint and the Reproducible R Toolkit here.
I was there - fantastic job showing how easy checkpoint is to use, and how to address the issues of reproducability! Thank you for the presentation. Very nicely done!
Posted by: Russ Conte | January 30, 2015 at 17:11
Is checkpoint compatible with packages that are not on CRAN but installed with Github instead?
I ask because increasingly, I am finding useful packages of GitHub, or am using development versions of packages like data.table and dplyr.
Posted by: Tommmy J. | February 09, 2015 at 07:38
@Tommy, checkpoint doesn't do anything special with GitHub packages, but if you use install_github while under checkpoint control, the github package will be installed in the project-specific checkpoint folder just like a CRAN package. If you plan to share your code, I recommend pointing install_github at a specific checkin, so that others can reproduce your results. For example:
Posted by: Revodavid | February 09, 2015 at 21:11