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February 13, 2015


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Nice article, David.

You asked about statistical modeling in sports and about good examples.

For me, two examples come to mind immediately.

The first example is Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight's (http://fivethirtyeight.com/) bayesian modeling and predictions of the 2014 football (soccer) world cup. They presented their live forecasts in a rather splendid interactive update at http://fivethirtyeight.com/interactives/world-cup/.

The second example is a slightly less popular sport - cross country skiing. I love this example, because Joran Elias uses R (and ggplot2) really extensively in his analysis and visualisation. See http://www.statisticalskier.com/ for some wonderful examples.

Finally, this is just wrong: http://whohastheashes.com/ :-(

Interesting article.. D/L method is a well recognized method in cricket world.
I would like to draw your attention to recent research work on cricket analytic.

One good example in Cricket is the decision problem of when to declare during the third innings of a
test cricket match. This has been done by Sports Analytic group at Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Easy-reading-table is provided in the paper as a decision rule to follow if a team wants to draw or win the test match.


Good article. I also like one day matches m ore than test. As it is more interesting to watch. Apart from test and one day matches, there is 20-20, in which each teams plays 20 overs each, and the winner is decided according to the scores. For more information you also visit http://www.sportsfan.com.au/ online.

Actually, typically test series are four tests. These days only Ashes series are five tests.

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