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March 13, 2015


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Thank you for this whitepaper, it explains in details how DeployR works and how to install it. What it fails to do though is to provide simple examples of how to deploy R models in production.
For example, Yhat has many easy to use examples of how to deploy R models and get results through API (like this one - http://help.yhathq.com/v1.0/docs/linear-regression ) . I understand that DeployR is a much more complex and versatile tool, but maybe there are some simple examples you can point to me?

Rinat, we have some examples on using the DeployR Java Client Library including a Fraud Scoring example.

Hi Dave,
FYI, the link on "Fraud Scoring example" in your previous comment links back to this webpage and not the intended destination.

Thanks Daniel -- I fixed the link in my comment above.


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