by Joseph Rickert
R user group activity is still on the rise. The following plot of the number of R user group meetings listed on Revolution Analytics' Community Calendar over the most recent 114 weeks shows a slight
to upward trend along with a couple of annual cycles. Predictably, meetings trail off in the summer months and again late in the year during the holiday season.
The 157 user groups currently listed in Revolution Analytics' R User Group Directory reflects a real growth spurt. In the past six months, 13 new R user groups were founded!
City Group Name Date Founded
Aahrus Rhus 1/19/15
Berlin Berlin R Users Group 1/5/15
Cape Town Cape R Users Group 2/4/15
Cardiff CaRdiff R User Group 12/19/14
Chengdu Chengdu R User Group 11/25/14
Cracow Cracow R Users Group (eRka) 10/19/14
Edinburgh The Edinburgh R Usergroup 11/15/14
Hamburg Hamburg R User Group 9/20/14
Honolulu Honolulu R Users Group 1/30/15
Perth Murdoch University R User Group
(MURUG) 2/28/15
Sevilla Sevilla R User Group 11/25/14
Spokane Inland Northwest R User Group 9/30/14
University Park Penn State R users' Group 2/20/15
Seven of these groups have already applied for the Revolution Analytics 2015 R User Group Sponsorship program. Now is a great time to think about starting a new user group. This year, the cash stipend for small user groups (Vector level) increased to $120, which should be enough to cover the cost of getting started on (or a platform of your choice). We will be accepting Vector level applications for new and small R user groups until September 30, 2015.
Revolution Analytics' sponsorship program is for larger groups too. We award $500 (Matrix level) and $1,000 (Array level) grants to groups who meet the requisite conditions. If you are an organizer of an established R User Group and would like to apply for support - act now! The 2015 deadline for Matrix and Array Level grants, March 31st, is coming up quickly.
Finally, we noticed recently that the Swansea University R User Group was missing from our User Group Directory. We apologize for this, and would like to give Swansea a shout out now, and point out that this group has been graciously making their presentations available on the web since 2011. We try hard to keep our directory accurate and up to date, but we need your help. Please let us know if there are some worthy R users that we have not recognized.