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March 26, 2015


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Hello, I'm Isaac from Catalonia. I'm starting to use a Rstudio and I want to lern more. I want to know if is there is a book that allow me to get more knowledge about Rstudio in biostatistics analysis.

Can you or somebody recomended me some book?

Thank you.

Thanks for the great review - sounds like just the intro I've been looking for. Buying the e-book right now.

Isn't the year of publication 2014, not 2015?

I tried to find my way into R as a statistics system for quite some time without success. I started to "get it", once I read a book about R as a programming language. Since that time I have a strong feeling, that R newbies should start looking at R as a programming language and later use it as a statistic system. You got to start with vectors and lists and the fact, that a data.frame is a list... In my case, the book was Uwe Ligges's "Programmieren mit R", which is obviously in German and thus attractive to only a small fraction of all R beginners. Sounds like this is an English-languaged option for many to reach, what I reached through "Programmieren mit R".

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