In case you missed them, here are some articles from March of particular interest to R users.
Overview of "Targeted learning" packages for R, including SuperLearner and tmle.
The 7 most common R error messages, by frequency of mentions on StackOverflow.
Slides and a webinar replay on reproducible data analysis with R and the "checkpoint" package.
Joseph Rickert reviews the new book, "Hands-On Programming with R" by Garrett Grolemund.
R users are invited to participate in the 2015 Rexer Data Mining Survey.
Using the "smbinning" package to discretize continuous data for machine learning.
Analyzing the nocturnal activities of New Yorkers via their Instagram posts (yes, NYC does sleep sometimes).
Gradient-boosted trees for big data with the rxBTrees function in Revolution R Enterprise.
New features in the updated "checkpoint" package for reproducible data analysis.
Thoughts on using Vim as an interface to R.
An article on the impact of open source software on data science features R.
A new white paper describes the architecture of a DeployR server for connecting R to other applications.
A surprising simulation to calculate pi.
How to track the progress of parallel and distributed computations with a progress bar.
A brief summary of new features in R 3.1.3.
An overview of the Hadleyverse, the collection of R packages by Hadley Wickham.
Analysis of activity in R user groups shows a recent spike in meetings.
Tools to extract and compare colors from images with R, and finding the true colors of "that dress".
Using Domino's new "R Notebook" to explore data with interactive graphics.
Computerworld's "R for Beginners" hands-on guide is now available as a downloadable PDF.
General interest stories (not related to R) in the past month included: a musical domino cascade, a deep zoom into the Mandelbrot Set, a culinary celebration of Pi Day, and an unusual undersea perspective.
As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at [email protected]. Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader, via email using blogtrottr, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here.