If you visit how-old.net and upload a photo of yourself, a maching learning algorithm (the 'How Old Robot') will indentify your gender and tell you how old you look. Here's how it did on a photo of me:
That's actually a pretty good guess for my age ... although this particular picture was taken a little over 3 years ago. I tried several different pictures from different time periods and the "How Old" estimates varied by plus or minus five years or so. On average it wasn't too bad, though with perhaps a bit of a statistical bias towards older estimates.
I actually got a preview of this app a little while ago, when it was part of an internal test at Microsoft. Despite only being announced internally, it was extremely popular. So when it was unveiled to the public as part of Joseph Sirosh's keynote at Build, it went viral almost immediately. It was soon the #1 trending topic on Twitter, tweeted by Ellen deGeneres, and people had a lot of fun trying it out on celebrities and the cast of Game of Thrones.The app itself uses the Face detection API from the Azure Machine Learning Gallery, which runs in the Azure cloud service. (There's code in that link if you want to try it out yourself.) Fortunately the Azure cloud was more than up to the task of handling all the traffic generated by all this social activity!
That's all for this week. Have a great weekend, and we'll see you back here on Monday!
Lol funny page amazing right. Same here about 5 years different.
Posted by: Jose | May 01, 2015 at 23:44