Today is my 11th wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband Jay, so it's a love-themed Friday post today. Jay and I met before Facebook was a thing, but we've been touched by the congratulations on our timelines today.
Those timeline posts reveal a lot about you and your relationships, and last year the Facebook data science team published a series of analyses with anonymized data (and done with R, of course) on what your Facebook activity says about your love life. For example, the way to tell if a two people are destined to be a couple (as marked by a joint "In a Relationship" status on Facebook) is to watch for a steadily increasing rate of shared timeline posts:
After the relationship is declared the rate of joint posts drops off dramatically (as, presumably, the couple is otherwise occupied), but those posts they do share become sweetly sentimental:
Read about other Facebook analyses of relationship status in the 6-part series.
That's all for this week. Have a great weekend, and we'll see you back here on Monday!