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June 26, 2015


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Hi David,

Perhaps arises an opportunity to hold this presentation on one of the next R User Meeting Cologne? The Cologne group is certainly the biggest and important group in Germany!:)


역시 R을 이렇게 쓰는구나.

Thanks David for sharing the deck - I presented on Microsoft and Revolution Analytics this past Monday in Atlanta, GA to our regular Microsoft BI Users PASS chapter. We had planned this talk starting two months ago. I took a lot of slides from past Revolution Analytics talks, though my final talk was not much different from what you presented.



Thank you for the great post! I've just started using R this past year, but my office is very much an Excel shop. Will R be incorporated into Excel in the future? I think that would be pretty exciting! It would also mean that I don't have to bribe people in IT with cookies to keep R Studio on my laptop (I kid I kid!).

- Jason

Hi Jason,

we made something in this direction and talk about at a Colone R-User Meeting. We call the R-Excel-Integration-Project "Calidris" and we made a short video (but sorry it is currently only in German): https://youtu.be/cJeE2_hS08Y

Maybe Revolution or you are interested?

Best regards,

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